Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Camp Recount

On week 8 my class went to Nelson for camp. The campground was called Bridge Valley. We were there for 4 days and the people in my car were Carlos, Lachlan, Katlyn, Eden, Meka, and Meka and Carlos's dad.

When we arrived we did an activity called top teams. Each game in the activity was different. First, my group did a water pipe game where you had to fill a pipe that had holes in it up. Then we did a racing game through the playground which had obstacles you had to go through. Next, our group did a boardwalk game. 5 people had to stand on a board and walk to the other side of the bit of field. After that, we did a different board game where you had to go around a cone getting a penalty every time someone touched the ground. We also did a barrel walk where we had to walk on a barrel for a few meters. Finally, we did a game of frisbee golf where you had to get a frisbee in a roped circle earning a point or hitting a baseball post.
Later that day we did low ropes. They were fun especially when we had to walk across a rope only holding onto two other ropes to cross a stream. We also did team initiatives that day. It included walking around a board that wobbled without letting it touch the ground and making everyone in the group be on a car tire for at least 3 seconds.

The next day my group did orienteering where no one in my group could find the number 10. Then we did team rescue where someone in my group kept pushing us off the obstacles into the imaginary crocodile's mouth. Next, we did the burner trail which is just a blindfold track. It was fun especially when you walk into a tree. Finally that day we did what everyone was waiting for, Lazer tag. It included tires and random walls in an outdoor Lazer tag arena. In the first game, red won, and in the second game, blue won. So we had to do a final game that included a medic box. Red won this game but what blue didn't know was that the medic box rehealed the dead.

On Thursday we did kayaking where none of my group fell in. Then we did Archerywhere I accidentally hit the target. Next, we did fire and damper but the damper tasted like rotten eggs. Finally, we did what everyone was dreading, Abseiling. We went through the tutorial and it seemed easy. The way up to the top of the tower was fun, a maze! When I was going down I was so scared but then I got used to it.

Finally, the last day was here, Friday. Once we had cleaned and packed we did a final game here. It was a tagging game but gave up playing because everyone was cheating.
On the drive home the tire popped so we waited 30 minutes until the new tire stopped being silly in the pump up.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Hunter I like your camp recount. Maybe next time you could add a picture in the witing about your camp recount. Keep up the good work Hunter. Maty Ahipara school.
